1. What position of staff are you applying for?
2. Why do you want to be in that position?
I would be able to give good ideas and advertise the community for growth and be able to donate if possible to the server. I am also fairly active during the school year, except when it comes to exam time then I am normally off for a month or so but I will give an early notice to staff when that happens.
3. What special skills qualify you for the position?
Being able to have positive thinking and provide necessary actions to promote better community growth for this server.
4. Would you be able to provide an example? If so, post evidence (such as a screenshot).
Not available
5. In what other ways can you help the server?
By coming online as frequently as possible, bring a good mood to the community and being able to help the server in any way possible. Including helping with server restarts and monitoring the activities of fellow players to make sure the community follow rules and act appropriately.
6. How active are you in-game?
I will most likely be active during the weekends and holidays and mostly summer vacation as I have more time and am not busy with school related issues.